Maya Scianna
1 min readApr 17, 2024


They tell you to walk the straight and narrow

But the Natural Disasters make that difficult.

They tell you that relationships are important

But those people could knock you over just to get ahead.

Sometimes it’s too dark to see where you’re going

And you may end up on someone else’s path.

Do you stay and follow, or try to take them back with you?

They could choose to send you back alone.

That trail you go back to may appear unrecognizable

You may tremble as you travel down your now crooked path.

It is now overgrown with leaves and shrubbery that didn’t exist before.

When the rocky trail knocks you down, you decide it’s time to start anew.

But change is scary. Everyone says it is so.

You can adapt or choose to dwell on how it used to be,

How easy it was to walk along the familiar and unstable path

But that unkempt, old trail appears to lead to knowhere.

Eventually your new path becomes familiar,

You even find people heading the same direction.

Some of them change direction and you may never see them again

But the best ones choose to go along with you.

Maya Scianna

Hello, I am an aspiring writer who also loves art, reading, and traveling. I currently live in Minnesota but I am originally from Arizona. :)